This is the presentation of my training seminar on building digital communities for heritage projects. It was given to mainly postgraduate students, some of whom were engaged in community projects, at the College of Arts and Humanities, Swansea University. The session lasted one hour and included time for questions and discussion. It was part of… Continue reading Building digital communities for your heritage project
Category: Old Heritage Archive
Archive of Tehmina Goskar’s Heritage posts, including on history, historical reviews and research and the public facing side of museums and culture (2004-19).
List of industrial World Heritage Sites
45 industrial heritage sites, centres and lanscapes have been designated as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO since 1978. 44 currently hold WHS designation as Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany, was delisted in 2009, having only achieved designation in 2004. Liverpool Mercantile Maritime City is currently on UNESCO’s danger list. I am in the process of revising… Continue reading List of industrial World Heritage Sites
Cornish heritage is a man’s game
Cornwall Councillor Bert Biscoe today published a really thought-provoking article on the recommencement of mining in Cornwall: To manicure or mine, Cornwall’s modern dilemma. Amongst other points he raises the issues of the tensions between preservation, environmental sustainability and economic gain; he also makes the point many of us have been thinking about not really… Continue reading Cornish heritage is a man’s game
History 51 and All Our Stories
In November 2012 the Hypatia Trust was awarded £10,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund’s All Our Stories programme for a project entitled History 51: Unveiling Women in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. History 51 has been designed as a community-led project based on the Hypatia Trust’s Elizabeth Treffry Collection to trace the journeys, make things… Continue reading History 51 and All Our Stories
Artistic licence: misrepresenting (Cornish) history
Last week the temperature under my collar was raised twice over. Both times it concerned a poor representation of the past. One probably down to lazy journalism (but with no real excuses) and the other possibly down to poor editing choices and an over-reliance on a ‘pat narrative’. Here I discuss the first of these,… Continue reading Artistic licence: misrepresenting (Cornish) history
New report on Swansea copperworks: An industrious future from an industrial past
I have recently completed consultancy and research work for Swansea University. In addition to undertaking research on digital heritage in Wales and the potential for creating a digital heritage, history and archaeology hub in Swansea (more on this soon), the university commissioned a report that would provide a vision for the heritage‐led regeneration of the… Continue reading New report on Swansea copperworks: An industrious future from an industrial past
Approaches to regenerating industrial heritage sites
Following on from my survey of industrial heritage education this article discusses different approaches to the regeneration of industrial heritage sites. By their very nature, industrial heritage sites are often also classed as ‘brownfield’ sites and therefore fairer game for redevelopment than areas of ‘greenfield’. This was well-illustrated in English Heritage’s Industrial Heritage at Risk report… Continue reading Approaches to regenerating industrial heritage sites
Old pilchards and Cornish industrial fishing heritage
Industrial heritage in Cornwall is completely dominated by mining, and most of that is heavily focused on tin mining and china clay extraction as opposed to that of other metals and minerals such as copper, arsenic and so on. Even more neglected is Cornwall’s fishing and fish processing heritage. The Cornish Quaysude gallery in the National… Continue reading Old pilchards and Cornish industrial fishing heritage
Copper research funding success!
I was delighted to hear on Friday that I had been successful in my application for a small research grant from Glamorgan County History Trust for continued research on my project entitled, Biographies of British copper: The heritage of a global commodity, c.1700-1980. The Trust supports research into any aspect of the history of Glamorgan, south… Continue reading Copper research funding success!
Paddington history for kids
Last November I blogged about my experience demonstrating the wonders of history school children at Hallfield Primary School, my first alma mater. I continued the theme with the local Cub Scouts Group based at another Paddington primary school, St Mary Magdalene (5th Paddington). My tack was slightly different here. The incentive to listen and learn… Continue reading Paddington history for kids