A gemstone for beyond the firmament of the year

blue and yellow poetry books arranged loosely together with two blue stones and a woodcut of some flowers

December birthstones and zodiac stones are somewhat of a mess: Turquoise, Blue topaz, Zircon, Tanzanite… Perhaps because it is also the month of Christmas, and also Hanukkah and other sacred moments such as the Capricorn (Midwinter (N)-Midsummer (S)) solstice of the year, that December babies can sometimes struggle to find themselves in the stones when there is so much noise from retailers dangling baubles they wish to sell.

But this doesn’t have to be the case. As we reach the end of the Gregorian year, nearly a fortnight on from the moment of lengthening (or shortening) days there is a gap in the Firmament such as there is at the Cancer solstice. I see it like a magnificent ultramarine curtain flecked with pearls and gold, pulled open a little. Lapis Lazuli is my end of December stone and also at this time of year I like to pull fortunes for friends and family who request it from the Persian poet Hafiz.

In fact in longer standing wisdom this was the ideal stone for this turn of the year. I use Lapis Lazuli as the messenger, and today, a piece of Dumortierite wished to join in. There was a new moon yesterday too. Hafiz’s messages and wisdom, and his tomfoolery, are both Saturnine and Jupitery. I only pass on the message, I don’t interpret for others, that’s up to them.

This is what Hafiz said to me.

Your attachments!
My dear,
Let’s not speak of those,
For Hafiz understands the sufferings
Of your and the agonies
That every mind on the way to
Annihilation in the Sun
Must endure.

A good 2025 everyone.